Our congregation seeks to be a tool for each family to utilize as they attempt to grow toward Christ-likeness.

"A Church with a Message for a People with a Need"

Bible Studies

We are currently working through Colossians on Sunday Evening and Mark on Wednesday nights. We also have a Ladies study the first Wednesday and of each month during October-April.  Please contact us for times.

Join with us as we learn to love God more and others more than ourselves.

Opportunities to turn Knowledge into Wisdom

Youth Programs

We have specific programs for students from 4 years old to 12th grade.  We believe the teaching, activities, service, and camp programs can be utilized by parents as an effective tool for raising your children.

Let Pastor Rob Ingmire help grow you in  your faith.

I love to be involved in people's lives.  From the balanced preaching of the Word of God to daily interaction, our family desires to make a difference. Please join with us each Sunday as we learn to grow closer to our Creator and live a life that God can use to change others.

"And of some have compassion making a difference:" Jude 22

Weekly Services Times


9:45 am - Sunday School

10:45 am - Morning Worship

6:15 pm - Teen Club

                  (Grades 7-12)

6:30 pm - Sunday Evening Service


7:00 pm - Master's Club 

                  (4 years - 6th grade)

7:00 pm - Bible Study/Prayer Time