Let Pastor Rob Ingmire help grow you in  your faith.

I love to be involved in people's lives.  From the balanced preaching of the Word of God to daily interaction, our family desires to make a difference. Please join with us each Sunday as we learn to grow closer to our Creator and live a life that God can use to change others.

"And of some have compassion making a difference:" Jude 22

Weekly Services Times


9:45 am - Sunday School

10:45 am - Morning Worship

6:15 pm - Teen Club

                  (Grades 7-12)

6:30 pm - Sunday Evening Service


7:00 pm - Master's Club 

                  (4 years - 6th grade)

7:00 pm - Bible Study/Prayer Time

Join with us as we learn to love God more and others more than ourselves.

Youth Programs

We have specific programs for students from 4 years old to 12th grade.  We believe the teaching, activities, service, and camp programs can be utilized by parents as an effective tool for raising your children.

"A Church with a Message for a People with a Need"

Opportunities to turn Knowledge into Wisdom

Our congregation seeks to be a tool for each family to utilize as they attempt to grow toward Christ-likeness.

Bible Studies

We are currently working through Colossians on Sunday Evening and Mark on Wednesday nights. We also have a Ladies study the first Wednesday and of each month during October-April.  Please contact us for times.